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Brown University lists 17 major areas of law practice. LegalJobs claims there are 28 different types of lawyers. The U.S. Department of Justice lists 86 distinct legal practice areas. In our research, we have identified over 150 unique legal specialties!

We created JuriCon.ai to solve one problem – how do you connect lawyers, and their specialized expertise, with clients looking for a specific capability? Traditional marketing avenues – radio, television, billboards – are ineffective in matching practitioners of over 150 legal specialties with people and businesses looking for their expertise. The internet, while overflowing with data, is only effective if you know what you are looking for. With so many legal specializations, how do potential clients even know what type of lawyer they need to begin their search?

Enter JuriCon.ai. Using proprietary artificial intelligence, potential clients are able to describe their legal issues in plain language and be matched with the lawyers who have the right training and experience to solve their legal issue. Lawyers are able to market their unique experience and expertise to clients they can truly help.

JuriCon.ai is modernizing legal markets. Give it a try!

– Ryan Newburn, Founder